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Comment Boards = New Source of Comedy

   Hey there folks. I was looking at Jared Hess's IMDB page today and came across some humorous material that I felt I needed to share. It was a post done by a sincere filmmaker/writer extraordinaire (I guess) who wanted to get exposure for his creativity. Here is his post...along with the barrage of comments to his post:

 gotta love people, right? Seems like comment boards are the wave of the future of comedy! Have you taken the time to read comments about anything else posted online these days? If there is a comment board...go to it! 97.3% of the time there will be an argument that starts between 2 people. Then others will gang up on the one who seems to be the most uneducated, agreeing with the more sensible person who ripped the "dumb" guy apart for posting such bone-headed, unintelligent dribble.

   For example, news stories are the best! Here's one story:

 One person makes a comment that most seem to disagree with...and so they attack!

   It's amazing how everyone wants to be heard. The internet has become such a place for that. Everyone has an opinion, but now it's getting ridiculous, with the amount of arguing that seems to take place. That's usually what happens on comment boards. Every once in awhile you'll get people praising other people for their comments...but most of the time someone has to argue with someone else to justify their opinion as being the "correct" way to view the matter at hand. People, I swear...

   Which reminds me: Does anyone else find it strange and annoying when 2 people start a comment conversation on your Facebook wall? I post a status update on my wall, a friend of mine comments on it, then another friend comments below it, references the first friend's comment. Then the first friend comments back to the 2nd friend because they were mutual friends with me, but they somehow hadn't "friended" each other on Facebook yet...something like:

   Friend 1: "Yeah. That was funny. It sure has been ages since we last saw each other. What's new?"

   Friend 2: "Oh nothing. Just doing blah blah blah in such-and-such city. You should totally come here to visit!"

   Friend 1: "For sure! I've been meaning to have the wife and kids and I go visit out there sometime. Do you have a family also?" 

   Hey, hey! (snap my fingers) Get your own wall to chat on! That's great that you're getting back in touch after who knows how many years, but don't do it on my precious digital real estate! probably won't end up taking your family on vacation there to visit your friend you just reunited with. Just sayin'...

   It just seems like technology and the internet have created an infested swamp of text, videos, music and nonsense that even a child can participate in now. It used to be that only professionals and schooled individuals were broadcast to the masses. News anchors, actors, politicians, comedians, talk show hosts (not saying even they all act in a professional manner all the time)...they were the only ones you really got to see. Now little Jimmy down the street can act out his favorite scene from Yugi-Oh, edit it (complete with special effects), and then post it on YouTube in a matter of hours...and he's only 10! What's next...? 

   But...we can't escape it, so...might as well make the most of it and get some laughs from it. Check out comment boards when you're...bored. :) It'll make your day. 

   I'll leave you with a good rant about how we take our technology for granted, by Louis C.K. 


  1. you do realize the irony of your medium for your point... ;)

  2. that video made my day! especially the part about banking, after a run in I had at the bank this week when I wanted to talk to a real person and they sent me home to just do it online. ugh.
